Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Two Looking Up

It's very hard for me to "get over it" and post work in progress. Doing so makes me feel vulnerable because the finished idea is not yet in sight. The drawings here are part of an idea I've had for a while: someone looking up and shading their eyes, or the shadow of an airplane falling across various things (including someone's upward turned face.) I drive back and forth under the flight path of our airport, and love watching the underbellies of jetliners slip overhead with their mighty roar. I AM that person looking up, even though in reality I must keep both hands on the wheel and most of my eyes on the road. Sometimes I pull off the freeway and drive along side streets where I can pull over and get out of the car. I know eventually all these goofy sketches will enable me to nail the exact feel I am searching for. In the meanwhile, I trust you with less than my best art.

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