Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hospital World

Many artists whose sites I visit draw in waiting rooms. Or, while waiting for something to happen...like in a hospital. This is a particularly difficult challenge for me. When I have given up all control and am just waiting for the next thing to occur it's easy to use reading to "shut out", rather than deliberately to "see" in order to gather information. Besides, hospitals are notoriously bland-looking places, as if a committee convened long ago and agreed to use the most boring possible decor. It's also likely that the drawings will be uptight, but on the plus side, observing all the interesting medical equipment and trying to render it distracts you from worrying about other things.
Later, I added colored pencil and a quick wash with a tea bag. Yes, a tea bag.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tea bag? tea bag? you are freaking brilliant!

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